Mum, please make the magic again!

How to be taller in less than 1 min and surprise your child ;-)

This morning I was in my warm-up-exploration and I was trying out different approaches: Movement and breath, visualization and movement.
I found all quite interesting especially the movement connected and generated from the breath.
My older daughter was exceptionally awake (5.30 am!) and looking to me. Almost at the end of the exploration, she asked: “What are you doing, mum? Why are you walking around?”

“I am looking how to walk differently, you know, sometimes we are tired and walk like that..” and I show her myself walking around with closed-chest, shoulders falling in front, forward head posture, and the rest of the body which changes into a smaller, tired, not nice posture. She laughs.

“but instead I’m trying to find another way. I use my imagination. While I’m breathing I’m creating roots which are coming out from my feet, pushing them into the ground. And because they are flexible, and getting stronger at each breath, they push me away from where I am and I start walking… and I get taller..”

“Whaaaat? How can it be?”

…So here comes the magic... :-)

I show her myself in a closed and short posture and I measure with my hand where my head is. Then, trying to keep my hand fixed in the air, I start pushing my feet on the ground aaaand… the magic comes: my body is getting taller and she can see that my head is now higher than my hand.

“Wooow mum! How did you do that?”

“I pushed my feet down and so my body is going up :-)”

It is such a simple and fast thing to do and that can instead change a lot in how you look, in how you show yourself to the world.

When I first showed to my daughter the short and closed posture she was laughing. Clown-mum :-) And then when I showed her the taller posture she was amazed. Maybe in the shorter position, I was exaggerating a bit... but it’s clear that she liked better the taller one.

Many times we are not aware of our posture, we keep a short and closed posture and the whole body has to adapt and then “talking” to us in terms of pain and discomfort.
We know that a closed and short posture is not nice and in the long term is not good for our body and our relationships. But we forget this last thing.

DO you also forget how dangerous and not nice can your closed posture be for you? Do you also forget how beautiful and more interesting you can be when you are taking a taller posture?

The “Getting Taller in 1min” practice

So today I would like to suggest you create a couple of moments in your day where you are… getting taller!
It takes less than 1 min. You just have to remember to push your feet on the ground with intention, and see what happens!
I’m looking forward to reading how tall you can grow today.. start today and you’ll be surprised as a child.


When you ignore signals from your body.


How to feel safe in opening up, while still enjoying the process